naz .:me-myself-my life:.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy 3rd Birthday My Darling Natasha!!

I cant lil niece ...the one whom i carried since day 1 is now 3 years OLD!!!..If she would ever read my blog....or would be able to understand this now...let me tell u darling....u have been the best thing ever happened in my life...from seeing your first witnessing your first hearing your first was a fulfilling experience u gave me darling....i guess im not fortunate enough to witness u every hour like i used to anymore...and maybe im not fortunate enough to be there with u on your 3rd birthday today....i want to be there for u ...always..Insya Allah...Amin!
(That's her on her 1st day of school....Tumble tots!!...I am so lucky to be able to see her on that historic day too..Alhamdulillah)


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