naz .:me-myself-my life:.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Natasha is now busy with her gold fishes. And happily she named the 3 as Kiki, Kuku and Rabbit..I know, kids nowadays are super smart, naming a fish Rabbit. I still remember how she told me over the phone when her previous fishes died....with the saddest voice tone for a 2 and a half year old....

But as for me, suddenly, i feel like i want to have a kitten...even knowing that it'd be adorable only while its called 'kitten' and not when it turns into a 'cat'. But Ive read an article by one SPCA says something like this...'most parents will adopt a puppy or a kitten for their kids because their kids would love them while they are small and adorable, but will return the pets to SPCA when their kids felt that the pets are less adorable when they have grown up. ..for you its only a pet, but for these animals, you are everything...'

Hmm...I guess I'll name my kitten 'bubly'. Somehow I love a completely black furred cat...I remember while in campus, I use to feed a black cat which we (my room-mate & floor mates) named it "Tipah" after unanimuosly agreed by all..


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