naz .:me-myself-my life:.

Friday, February 03, 2006


One lady that i adore very much [currently i must admit] is none other than Sushmita Sen. Amazing. Being an ex-Ms Universe, and being one of the most sought-after actress, an a single she is, she followed her heart and adopted a baby few years back. I mean, who would take a big decision in life like that.

She really reminds me of myself. Ive always wanted to adopt a baby (even when i was single). But of course, my family would have jumped on the idea. Who wouldnt! They always say i have the weirdest idea of all. But the thought of adopting a baby is so pure, is so genuine....and adopting cum single-parenting concurrently is no joke! [Renee (sushmita's baby) looks like Natasha, especially with the glasses on].

Recently we (as in me and husband, getting used to the term 'we' and 'husband' is not easy you know!) were discussing deeply on having a kitten as a pet. You know, running around the house, jumping up and down..But since both of us are working, we didnt really want to confine that lovely creature in its cage for 10 to 12 hours a day. So we postponed the plan. I even had a thought of 'adopting' a chimpanzee...yeah i know...


  • At 3:58 PM, Blogger ., said…

    Having a cat is a reponsibility. Having a chimpanzee is a burden but above all having a husband is the greatest mistake of all.

    Don't you think so?


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