naz .:me-myself-my life:.

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Darfur Rally- Capitol Hill (DC-30.4.06)

Washington DC

Ive been to almost all part of DC...the monument....the white house....and the Lincoln Memorial...been wonderful ....

Happy 3rd Birthday My Darling Natasha!!

I cant lil niece ...the one whom i carried since day 1 is now 3 years OLD!!!..If she would ever read my blog....or would be able to understand this now...let me tell u darling....u have been the best thing ever happened in my life...from seeing your first witnessing your first hearing your first was a fulfilling experience u gave me darling....i guess im not fortunate enough to witness u every hour like i used to anymore...and maybe im not fortunate enough to be there with u on your 3rd birthday today....i want to be there for u ...always..Insya Allah...Amin!
(That's her on her 1st day of school....Tumble tots!!...I am so lucky to be able to see her on that historic day too..Alhamdulillah)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Im at Washington DC....Rosslyn....Spring Time!!