naz .:me-myself-my life:.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Been a while....

Yeap, its been some time.....busy actually. It's not easy you know to reach there !!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

1st Wedding Anniversary

Our wedding was a year ago (20th Nov 2005). The celebration continues to this day. That much I can say on my part...

"Love is a thing that enables a woman to sing while she mops up the floor after her husband has walked accross it in his barn boots"

I like that basically sums up everything so beautifully...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Eureka !

Countries I've visited...jeng jeng jeng....

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Last week (raya) we went back to penang...(note the word 'back'!!!) It was truly great. We did nothing much there actually, but it was an immense pleasure just to sit in our house and drive around penang!!!

We went to Moonlight Bay ...and see how natasha poses for the photo!! Smart girl...just ike her aunt they say :-)

Friday, September 29, 2006

What marriage has done to me and/or us

At Bali, Indonesia- right after wedding (4.12.05-9.12.05)

At Washington DC (Georgetown)- after 5 months of marriage!

Well...res ipsa loquitor ...

Darling Alia Natasha

She has grown up...prettier every day....she'll always be my darling


Sydney's short trip (31.8.06-5.09.06) was fantastic! Just loved it. We had a blast of time throughout actually... No Worries mate!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Dad's Birthday

It's dad's birthday again ....

Had he been around, he would have been 59 today! And we would have definitely celebrated it tastefully!

But its different now much so that only tears flow on his birthday....miss him dearly.....I always tell myself if only he was around.......God forgive me...

If only he knew how much I love him, how much he means to me...

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Darfur Rally- Capitol Hill (DC-30.4.06)

Washington DC

Ive been to almost all part of DC...the monument....the white house....and the Lincoln Memorial...been wonderful ....

Happy 3rd Birthday My Darling Natasha!!

I cant lil niece ...the one whom i carried since day 1 is now 3 years OLD!!!..If she would ever read my blog....or would be able to understand this now...let me tell u darling....u have been the best thing ever happened in my life...from seeing your first witnessing your first hearing your first was a fulfilling experience u gave me darling....i guess im not fortunate enough to witness u every hour like i used to anymore...and maybe im not fortunate enough to be there with u on your 3rd birthday today....i want to be there for u ...always..Insya Allah...Amin!
(That's her on her 1st day of school....Tumble tots!!...I am so lucky to be able to see her on that historic day too..Alhamdulillah)